
The experience of European countries shows that energy from biomass and other renewable sources plays an increasingly leading role in the overall energy balance. According to the experts of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, the share of renewable sources in the EU today is 15%.
At the same time, biomass accounts for 62% of the total contribution of renewable energy sources.

And in the European countries with the most advanced agro-industrial complex, such as Hungary, Poland, Finland, Baltic countries, due to the large volume of bioenergy raw materials, biomass energy production reaches 95%. Considering the potential of Ukraine for the quantity of raw materials for biomass production, our country has every chance to occupy a leading position in the field of bioenergy.
The Bioenergy Association of Ukraine predicts the increasing popularity of bioenergy in Ukraine due to the urgent need to replace natural gas with alternative fuels. As is known, the National Renewable Energy Action Plan sets the overall goal of developing this sector in Ukraine by 2020: the contribution of RES to gross final energy consumption should reach 11% in line with Ukraine's commitment as a member of the Energy Community.